VIDEO – Dr Richard Kent – What was it like to be Crucified

Unveiling Crucifixion Facts: Understanding the Historical and Medical Aspects


Welcome to tonight’s program where we delve into the profound questions surrounding the crucifixion. The title, “Crucifixion Facts,” invites us to explore what it was truly like to undergo this historical and spiritually significant event.

Scriptural Insight and Physical Description

Scripture provides a vivid description, notably Isaiah 52:14, portraying the physical toll on an individual during crucifixion. The presentation of Christ’s suffering in the film “The Passion of the Christ” gives us a glimpse into the brutality He endured.

Secular Historical Accounts

Historical accounts from figures like Josephus, a Jewish historian born in 37 AD, attest to the reality of Jesus and the crucifixion. While crucifixion was a common form of punishment in ancient times, its perfected cruelty emerged about 300 years before Christ’s birth.

Crucifixion Process and Historical Context

Soldiers, specializing in crucifixions, had the gruesome task of carrying out these punishments, which involved a heavy wooden cross. Crucifixions took place at locations like Golgotha. The process included stripping the victim, scourging, and the painful act of nailing to the cross.

Scourging and Mockery

Scourging, a Roman practice, preceded crucifixion. Victims were beaten with a flagrum, a whip with multiple strands, and sometimes fitted with metal or bone fragments. The mocking of Jesus involved pulling out His beard, placing a thorn crown, and subjecting Him to relentless taunts.

Crucifixion Details

Understanding the physiological impact of crucifixion enhances our comprehension. The term “excruciating” finds its roots in this excruciatingly painful method of execution. Crucified individuals experienced joint dislocations, notably at the wrists, elbows, and shoulders.

Crucifixion and Breathing Difficulty

Crucifixion involved pushing up on the feet to facilitate breathing. Jesus, scourged and weakened, faced extreme difficulty breathing. Crucifixion victims had to alternately push up and slump down, enduring tremendous pain with every movement.

Medical Implications and Physical Stress

Physiologically, crucifixion induced hypovolemia, low blood volume, resulting in low blood pressure. The scourging, along with dehydration, led to profound thirst. The process caused fluid buildup around the lungs, making breathing even more challenging.

Medical Perspective on Jesus’ Death

From a medical standpoint, Jesus suffered from asphyxia due to the inability to breathe. Hyperpyrexia (low blood volume) and cardiac shock ensued. His heart likely struggled due to a ruptured pericardium, contributing to cardiac failure. Despite popular theories, the medical evidence suggests Jesus did not merely survive on the cross but succumbed to the intense physiological stress.

The Rejection and Pain

The rejection of Jesus during His ministry is a pivotal aspect of understanding His suffering. Beyond the physical pain of crucifixion, the emotional and spiritual rejection adds a layer of significance to the crucifixion narrative.

Multilingual Inscriptions on the Cross

Explore the linguistic nuances on the cross, where Hebrew, Latin, and Greek inscriptions conveyed Jesus’ title as the King of the Jews. Delve into the cultural and religious implications of these inscriptions, shedding light on the crucifixion event.

Prophecies Fulfilled on Crucifixion Day

Unravel the prophetic tapestry surrounding the crucifixion. Investigate at least thirty prophecies, including Daniel 9:25-26, which even provides the date of this pivotal event.

Anointing and the Ark of the Covenant

Examine the connection between the anointing of Jesus and the Ark of the Covenant. By studying Daniel 9 and Hebrews 9, we gain insights into how Jesus fulfilled the messianic role in a unique and profound way.

The Old Covenant’s Culmination

Understand the symbolic significance of Jesus’ blood on the mercy seat, echoing the rituals of the Old Covenant. Explore the spiritual implications of Jesus being the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

The Resurrection

Addressing the certainty of Jesus’ resurrection after three days, we explore the biblical accounts, changed lives of disciples, and the compelling evidence that supports this pivotal event in Christianity.


As we conclude this exploration, we emphasize the centrality of the crucifixion and resurrection in Christianity. The transformative power of Jesus’ sacrifice, supported by biblical archaeology, continues to inspire believers worldwide.

How to Explore Further

For a more in-depth understanding, consider watching the 57-minute video documentary “The Crucifixion” by Dr. Richard Kent. Visit to access this valuable resource free of charge.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. We look forward to your continued exploration of biblical archaeology and its profound implications on faith. Have a wonderful day!

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